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[5] Finalist in the Libris Award 2022, Mackay Artspace, Qld

[4] Exhibited in QCA HDR exhibition - Represent - POP Gallery, Brisbane, QLD 2021

[3] Exhibited at Gympie Regional Gallery, 2021, in making paper/making art

[2] Exhibited at abbe 2020 - artist book brisbane event - The Edge, State Library of Queensland.

In partnership with Queensland College of Art and the Blue Notebook journal.

[1] Contraction - performance deconstruction of Arctic ice cap floor drawing in Moving into Darkness installation 2018


Published in The Blue Notebook Journal for Artists’ Books Volume 16 - All maps erased 2021  p.17

Paper presented at the 2020 Arlis/ANZ Biennale conference - The Edge, State Library of Queensland.



I believe an artist book has the potential to be more than just its title and physical make-up, it has the capacity to materially contain a complete physical environment, embodied, and formed through emergent and successive stages in its development.


80° North holds memory of its conception as an idea in the high Arctic, it's expansion as a drawing of the Arctic ice-cap, its contraction through a performance and its reformation into a book through time and more-than-human processes. 


Paper is born in water and requires the expulsion of water for its existence, beginning as a liquid before transforming into a desert, always thirsty for the water of its birth.

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